
07 July 2011


In attempt to clean out my fridge and pantry of so much stuff, especially all those summery perishables, I've been getting really creative.  After my squash salad, I had the interiors of a few squashes leftover.  A quick rummage through the fridge unveiled some quickly spoiling chives and a container of sun dried tomatoes.  Onto the cupboards to dig up a box of rarely used Bisquick (my pancakes are almost almost made from scratch.)  With my amazing brain power and a rarely used blender, I was able to concoct an amazing medley of these few ingredients into summer squash, sun dried tomato, and Parmesan scones.  Well, they were more like biscuits than scones but it did the trick.  Plus, I'm now covered for breakfast for at least a week!

summer squash and sun dried tomato biscuits with parmesan
(i had a couple of glasses of wine before the mixing stage and i thought i'd just wing it, so these are guesstimates)
4 1/2 c Bisquick
1 c chopped sun dried tomatoes
2 1/2 c pureed summer squash
2 eggs
2 tbsp freshly chopped chives
3 tbsp Parmesan cheese
1/4 c milk
fresh chopped parseley
salt and pepper to taste
1. Mix dry ingredients (this includes the chopped tomatoes & cheese) together in a bowl.  In a blender or food processor, puree your summer squash.  Whisk puree with eggs and milk just to mix.  Combine with dry mix until well mixed.
2.  Using a large spoon or scoop, put mix on a greased cookie sheet 2" apart; the mix should make about 15 biscuit/scones.  Top each with an extra sprinkle of Parmesan cheese and bake in a preheated oven at 425 degrees for 10-15 minutes or until brown and a toothpick comes out clean.  Enjoy toasted with butter or as a side biscuit with supper.  Yum and easy!

Have you heard this news?  You've got to be kidding me, right?  These people can be on TV while I'm lucky to find a few part-time jobs and blog about my love of food in the itty bitty bit of spare time that I have.  I'm sorry, but this preview for the new reality show Famous Food just got to me on the wrong day.  I'm not a huge fan of the celebrity foodie craze.  Celebrity chefs are one thing since they work their butts off to get recognized (yeah, I'm talking to my crushes Anthony Bourdain and Jaime Oliver... plus the foxy ladies like Julia Child, Nigella, and Giada.)  But random celebrities that cook supper every once in a blue moon and think they know enough to be a chef or open a restaurant?  C'mon!  I know chefs and chefs these celebrities are not.  Sorry for the venting, maybe it's all my at home karaoke stardom getting to me, but there are way more deserving people of restaurants... and television for that matter.  Sometimes I am very thankful that I don't have cable.

And how about this wacky news?  Though I haven't yet had a chance to discuss this awesome neighborhood establishment (although to be honest, it's been sitting as a draft in my blog queue for about two months now,) I am a frequent patron and am a bit shocked to hear this crazy news.  Well, not really but still!  Just blocks away from the Sweet Spot!  No worries though, the godfather sandwich is still being served up... trust me, I had one earlier today and it was as delicious as always.  Maybe even more so since I felt kind of rebellious chowing down on it!

Happy Thursday lovelies!  What are your epicurean plans for the weekend, and can I get in?

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